Hire Regalia

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NZ School of Tourism - 16th December Graduation

Congratulations on your impending graduation with the NZ School of Tourism.

Please add to cart the gown displayed below and proceed to checkout.

Collections of your regalia can be made on Thursday the 14th or Friday the 15th between 9am - Noon.
Returns of regalia must be made either Monday the 18th or Tuesday the 19th of December between 9am - Noon.

We are located at 21 Ruakura Road, Hamilton.

Add Hood

Enter qualification here and we will put in the appropriate regalia. Cost $21.00
Gown - Bachelor

Gown - Bachelor

Hire or Buy

Visit Our Shop

534 Anglesea St

Address for parcels:

21 Harwood St

Contact Us

P:  027 684 7788
​E: admin@academicdress.co.nz